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31 Day Streaking Challenge
Jan. 1st - Jan. 31st
30 min a day streak  or  60 minute a day streak

REGISTRATION IS OPEN! We're going streaking! Kick off the new year and crush those resolutions with a 31 Day Streaking Challenge. How many days can you streak together? Streak all 31 days together and earn a bonus Streak Challenge Swag!


Commit to *moving* for 30 minutes a day or 60 minutes a day. Earn badges for everyday that you hit your goal. Streak for all 31 days and earn bonus swag. Any activity of exercise counts from walking, yoga, jogging, running, swimming, paddling, cycling, elliptical, spinning, skiing, etc. You can automatically sync your workouts to the leaderboard when you use a GPS device like Strava, Garmin, Fitbit, MapMyRun, Suunto, Polar and Coros.


Customize your SWAG (Save up to $20): Registration includes a race shirt, finisher medal & necklace. If you don't want all the swag you can remove items during registration and reduce your entry fee.

     No Shirt: Save $10
     No Medal: Save $5

Join the Mermaid Athlete Facebook Group as we keep you motivated and inspired for the New Year's Challenge. Stay tuned as we unveil the shirt and medal.

  • Register online for the T9 Mermaid Streak Challenge

  • Start logging your miles on January 1st! Get in as many days of exercise as possible and try to "streak" together 31 days.

  • Create a Sodisp account. Instructions will be emailed to you on how to create a free Sodisp account. All logging and tracking will be done on Sodisp 

  • For additional fun check in on the Mermaid Athlete Facebook Group as we keep you motivated and inspired.

  • Stay tuned as we unveil the race shirt and medal

  • Starting on January 1st: Track your progress on the live leaderboard. 


CHALLENGE RULES - How to record your movement

1) The tracking and live leaderboard will be on Sodisp. The leaderboard will be based on the number of days you achieve your daily goal. If you streak all 31 days you're guaranteed to be in 1st place. The more days you achieve your goal, the higher your ranking.


2) How to earn your daily badge: Workout the minimum number of minutes per day to earn the daily badge. Any type of exercise qualifies, from walking, yoga, spinning, paddling, elliptical, cycling, rowing, skiing to running. If you're *exercising* and moving with intention, then it counts.

3) How to earn the streak badges: In order to streak the days together you must record your minimum number of minutes everyday. You can NOT miss a day. If you miss a day your streak will reset. However, you are still in the leaderboard for the overall number of days you workout in January. 

3) Manual and automatic posting to the leaderboard. You can manually upload your workout times on your Sodisp profile as well as sync your Garmin, Strava, Fitbit, Coros, Polar and Suunto device. 


I already signed up, but I didn’t affiliate my entry to a group or club. Can I create or join a group, club or team?

Yes! To create a NEW group, club or team, go to the Race Roster registration page and click on the "Create A Team" button. It will bring you to a page where you can enter in a new team name. Once you’ve created a group, club or team, go to your "Athlete Dashboard" on Race Roster (sign in) and find the T9 Mermaid Streak Challenge. Look for the "Add A Team” button and add yourself to the team. If you are joining an existing team, go to your "Athlete Dashboard" on Race Roster (sign in) and find the T9 Mermaid Streak Challenge. Look for the "Add A Team” button and add yourself to the team.


I want to register and associate my entry to the group that my friend created. How do I do that?

During the registration process it will ask if you want to join a group or club. Click on the “Add myself to a group" and from the dropdown menu find the name of the team you want to join.


How do we log our workouts?

You can log your workout by either manually entering in your daily activity or by syncing a GPS enable watch or app on your phone. Sodisp currently supports Strava, Garmin, Fitbit, Polar, Coros and Suunto. To manually enter in a result or sync your GPS device you'll first need to verify your registration to the Sodisp Virtual event page. Detailed instructions for joining the event will be emailed to all participants. As the workouts get logged, the Sodisp Leaderboard will be updated and you’ll be able to see your accumulated progress.


Will we be able to sync our Garmin, Strava, Fitbit or other GPS device?

Yes! you can easily sync your Garmin, Strava, Fitbit, Coros, Polar and Suunto account to your Sodisp profile. Detailed instructions for how to connect your device to Sodisp will be emailed to all participants.


Can we start logging workouts and streaking before January 1st?

No, the virtual challenge will start on January 1st. You can log workouts anytime between 1/1/21 at 12:00am to 1/31/21 at 11:59 pm.


What type of workouts count towards my total?

Any workout that you complete with the *intention* of exercising will count. For example, walking, jogging, hiking, running, cycling, spinning, skiing, rowing, paddling, swimming, yoga, elliptical, walking the dog, etc. will all count. Mowing the lawn, raking leaves, grocery shopping, vacuuming, cooking dinner, taking the trash out, etc. do NOT count. The key word is the workout must be done *intentionally* with the purpose of exercising. 

I wear a Fitbit all day long and it records the miles I do when I’m walking around the office and at home. Can I count this time towards my goal?

No, the time accumulated during your daily routine or work routine do not count. [Example: walking from the couch to the refrigerator and then back to the couch does not count]


Can I break up the minimum number of minutes during the day?

Yes, if you go out for three 10 minute walks during the day those will qualify for 30 minutes of exercising and therefore satisfy the daily minimum.

I just signed up, will we be getting an update with additional details?

Yes, we will be emailing out an Athlete Update with the details for how to create and verify your Sodisp account.



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