Each rack holds 10 bikes, with 5 bikes facing in one direction and 5 bikes facing in the other direction. Your bike will be facing the opposite direction as the one next to it.
There’s 45 minutes between the first start wave and the last start wave! We assign racks to each start wave, this way athletes who are in the middle of their race are not racking their bike next to someone who is just arriving and setting up.
Race morning, you'll look for a rack assigned to your start category and find an open spot. The racks are first come, first served. If all the spots are full, try to find the next closest rack with an open spot. Each rack will be labeled.
No spectators or family members are allowed in the transition. You will receive a wristband at packet pick up or on race morning. If you don't have a wristband you won't be allowed into transition. NO EXCEPTIONS

The transition zone opens at 6 am. We recommend getting to the transition area early!! Please do not lock your bike to the rack or hang balloons on the racks.
REMEMBER to be courteous and respectful to the Mermaids around you. Make sure that your bike is in your designated area. If the person next to you set up their bike incorrectly, try to find them first before adjusting their bike. Say hi to the Mermaid next to you and make sure to cheer everyone on during the race! Be a “ME” (Motivator & Encourager) help everyone have a fun time!!
When setting up your bike you'll "hang" your bike on the rack by the seat, see the photo below. To hang your bike you'll want to back your bike underneath the rack and then lift up your seat and hang it so the handlebars are facing you.
NOTE: the direction your handlebars are facing is the side of the rack where you'll be setting up your gear. When the bike racks are full you'll have a very *small* spot to place your gear.
To give everyone the most space we ask that you set up your gear to the LEFT of your front tire. Usually your gear will consists of:
- A *small* gear bag. Tuck the bag underneath the rack at the back of your front tire. Put any personal items, extra food, body glide, medication, inhalers, clothes, etc. in the bag.
- A *small* towel and wide mouth water bottle. Place the towel and bottle in front of your bike. After the swim, step on the towel and use the water to clean sand off your feet.
- Bike shoes, running shoes, socks, race belt with your bib number (or shirt with your bib number safety pinned to it) and sunglasses.
- Bike Helmet. We recommend you hang your bike helmet on your handlebars so you don't forget to put it on. YOU MUST WEAR A HELMET AT ALL TIMES WHILE ON THE BIKE and HAVE YOUR CHIN STRAP CONNECTED!
Notice the *small* theme.... trust us, think small and make sure your gear will fit nicely into an imaginary rectangle that is 2 feet wide by 3 feet long and right next to your bike.